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The Lies of the Hoodia Scam

The net is infected with tons of Hoodia related web pages and with millions of spam. This is definitively not good and unscrupulous people wanting to take fast business are doing more hurt than good. Here is a list of a few "incorrections" and their correct answer.
The "not correct" information is in red, the correct answer in brown.
We are always interested in know about others opinion. Send us your comments. Thanks !!!

"Hoodia is an ugly cactus"
Hoodia is not a cactus and is not ugly.

The genus Hoodia are a group of african succulent species of the big family Asclepiadaceae, with a somewhat "cactus like" looking for a novice. Absolutely unrelated to cactaceae family, but as adapted, or even more, than cacti, to hostile dry desert environments. The plant has a very interesting biological cycle and is very attractive to desert plants enthusiasts. The flowers of the aclepiadaceae are compared in beauty and variation to orchids. Only in Hoodia, the different species has a range of colors from bright yellow to orange, red and purple, being the typical flesh pink color the most usual.

"A company has Hoodia patented"
A wild plant can not be "patented", period.
"Only South African grown Hoodia has the appetite suppressant component"
Absolutely false (who made the test???) if the correct growing conditions are given all the plants (aloe, oranges or garlics...) has the same characteristics, or very similar, sometimes even better that in their native area. In the case of Hoodia, plants produced in cultivation in some places (not many) has been tested, and (according to the tester) it works fine, the same or better than wild collected. So no need for destroy wild populations.
"Hoodia comes from legal south african farms"
This is not only false but impossible. There are some farms in South Africa but the gross Hoodia material is coming from the unsustainable wild harvest. See the desperate situation of the Hoodia populations in Africa.
"Only Hoodia gordonii has the appetite suppressant"
This is the trick of the trade. There are other Hoodia species with the same, or more, quality as appetite suppressants. Even could be possible to find it in other desert asclepiadaceae, a task we are working on.
"Only Hoodia from the Kalahari Desert has the appetite suppressant"
There is not the less evidence of this. The Hoodia covers a bigger distribution area and there are not farms in the Kalahari (to the best of our knowledge, let us know if any...) Most of the big Hoodia plantations in RSA concentrate around the Orange River in the Pofadder and Upington areas. The attempts to cultivate Hoodia in other South Africa places, like Pretoria has been abandoned, the exact reason is not said.
"All our Hoodia comes from the Kalahari"
I don't think so. But if any true you should be in an African jail.

This is a begining.... we are having a lot of work with this question...

More Scam Lies soon.....

Any other info or contribution to this page welcome. Send us a mail.
If you think we are in some mistake, let us know as soon as possible, thanks !!!!!